Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week 4: Ingredients You Hated as a Kid - Onion & Tomato Pie with Side of Beets [Cooking]

Intro from Cooking Challenge: his week dig deep down into those repressed food memories and cook something you never would have dreamed of eating when you were 5. Maybe you can incorporate your hated ingredient into a dish even kids would like, or simply share the dish that changed your opinion on your most hated ingredient. If you’re looking for some inspiration, a UK survey lists the top 5 most kid-hated ingredients as avocados, leeks, marrow, melons and cottage cheese. You can find some recipe ideas here and here.

My mom hates onions and my dad hates beets.  So growing up, I guess I just internalized that I hated them too (and added in hating tomatoes for good measure).  These two recipes made me rethink everything I've known.

Recipe for the Onion & Tomato Pie (with greyere and olives) can be found here.  The beets are just simply roasted and then mixed with goat cheese while still hot.

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