Saturday, February 15, 2014

Week 7: Poaching - Poached Salmon with Cucumber Tzatziki Sauce [Cooking]

Intro from Cooking Challenge: Poaching is a moist heat cooking method which involves slowly cooking foods submerged in flavorful liquid. Most notably featured in the classic Eggs Benedict, the technique can also be applied to a wide array of foods such as chicken, fish, shellfish, and even beef! Normally, poaching liquid consists of wine or stock, but any flavorful liquid can be used such as fruit juice, milk or cream, or even tomato sauce. While poached eggs are a great topping for almost any dish, I'm looking forward to seeing some great creativity this week!

This was the main course for our Valentine's Day.  I'm usually not a fan of cooked salmon (I'll eat it raw all day long, but I find it tastes too fishy when cooked). However, poaching it was amazingly good.  It came out perfectly cooked all the way through and the cucumber sauce was a really great addition.

Recipe found here.

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