Monday, February 10, 2014

Week 6: Bread - Ice Cream Bread! [Baking]

Intro from Baking Challenge: Bread, first made around 30,000 years ago, still remains a dietary staple in many cultures around the world. There are a lot directions in which you could go for this challenge. You might try an unleavened recipe, like tortillas, pita, or the the potato based lefse (I've never had this before but it looks goooood!). Maybe you want to make a leavened bread, like a crusty french baguette or a beautiful loaf of challah? You could always go smaller, if you like, there's nothing like soft and warm rolls at dinner.

A while back, I found this blog post about making bread from ice cream.  Even though I was skeptical, I was intrigued.  When I saw this week's theme was bread, I figured it was a great excuse to try it out!

I made two loaves - one with Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey (banana ice cream with walnuts and fudge chunks) and one with butter pecan.  I have to say, I was really suspicious at how well ice cream and flour would come out...and it was DELICIOUS!  The Chunky Monkey was definitely the winner, but the butter pecan was fantastic in the morning toasted with a little butter.

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