Monday, May 12, 2014

Week 19: Dulce de Leche - Dulce de Leche Filled Donuts [Baking]

Intro from Baking Challenge: Mmmmm Dulce de leche. There's a few ways to make this creamy caramel sauce. You can boil a can of sweetened condensed milk in either the slow cooker or oven or try making it from scratch. Or get a little crazy and use coconut milk! Once you've got a nice pot of deliciousness you can use it in pretty much any dessert. Carrot cake, apple pie orscones! You can put it on churros or empanadas if you want to go more Mexican. It'll all be amazing! Good luck!

To start, I made dulce de leche from scratch over the stove with a can of sweetened condensed milk, stirring pretty much constantly for about 20 minutes. It turned out really tasty, although I recommend waiting until it has cooled a bit before dipping your finger in to try it like I did.

I used the recipe found here to make berlines (or donut holes). After a bit of trial and error, I found they came out better if I shaped them into the more traditional circular donut shape, due to the greater surface area. After frying, cooling, and dipping in cinnamon & sugar, I piped them full of dulce de leche!

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